Tons of Money

by Will Evans and Valentine - adapted by Alan Ayckbourne

directed by Graham Buchanan

The show was a great success and played to full houses throughout the week at the

Maskers' Studio Theatre


Monday 24th to Saturday 29th October 2005

It has been said of Ayckbourn that the more farcical his work is, the more clearly one hears the authentic sound of human desperation.

John Mortimer states that farce is tragedy at 100mph – in which case, leave your logic outside, suspend belief and for a couple of hours sit back and just be entertained.

The extremes people will go to to get their hands on a fortune …
In the best tradition of farce the fast action and deliciously dotty dialogue make this a Masker’s production to have you laughing all night!!

From The Maskers September newsletter
written by Adam Taussik & Sarah Roach:

Maskers were reeling tonight after the cast of Tons of Money were trapped in the studio after a car was set alight, right outside the front door! The nine intrepid thespians were just packing up after another successful rehearsal, when Ken Hann looked out of the window and said in his usual laconic manner ‘There’s a car on fire.’ Naturally everyone thought this a nice little wind up, and it was treated with the usual scepticism at first, but after looking out of the window, the group concluded that indeed there was a car on fire.

Flames leapt into the Shirley night, as level headed Ken called Hampshire Fire and Rescue, and the Man from the Garage (whose car it was – temporarily). The cast were trapped for 45 minutes, and could no nothing but admire the strapping fire fighters and their shiny helmets. Said Sarah Roach: “I do like a man in uniform,” and the size of their hose was the subject of much debate!

As the artistes watched the burning Ford Fiesta, our sensible chairman – allegedly enacting emergency rules - got the bar open, and treated the shocked crowd to a medicinal glassful. Finally, after the hoses had gushed their last, and the ladies had gushed even louder, the City’s finest subdued the blaze to rapturous applause.

Sprules Philip de Grouchy
Simpson Hannah Price
Louise Kate Grundy
Aubrey Matt Avery
Miss Mullett Sarah Roach
Giles Ken Hann
Chesterman Adam Taussik
Jean Sarah Spencer
Henery Adam Dyche
George Robert Cumming
Theatre goer 1 Alan Watson
Theatre goer 2 Jo Iacovou
For the Maskers
Director Graham Buchanan
Production Manager Ken Hann
Stage Manager Kathryn Salmon
Set Design Graham Buchanan
Set Constructiont Graham Buchanan, David Jupp, Roger Lockett
Wardrobe Sheana Carrington, Emma Carrington
Properties Gill Buchanan, Ella Lockett, Helen Officer
Lighting Ivan White
Sound Geoff Grandy
ASM's Sarah Russell, Cat Andrews, Rachael Courage
Photography Clive Weeks

click on a photo to enlarge it


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Off Emsworth Road
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