Cast | |
Hilda Bloggs | Julie Baker |
Jim Bloggs | Ken Spencer |
For the Maskers: | |
Director | Philippa Taylor |
Production Manager | Ron Tillyer |
Stage Manager | Belinda Drew |
Assisted by | Andrew Burrows |
Set Design | Peter Liddiard |
Set Construction | Edwin Beecroft, Peter Liddiard, John Riggs, Huw Thowas, Ron Tillyer, Mike Wharf |
Set Painting | John Hamon |
Properties | Edwin Beecroft, Shiela Clark, Liz Colclough, Karen Sedgwick, Johanna Poyntz |
Wardrobe | Helen Officer |
Lighting | Clive Weeks, Sue Cunningham |
Sound | Tony Lawther, Angle Barks, Anthony Baldery, Wendy Hall |
Special Effects | Tony Lawther, Angle Barks |
Photography | Paul Bowers |
Extracts from the Government Publication ‘Protect And Survive’
After a nuclear attack, there will be a short period before fall-out starts to descend. Use this time to do essential tasks. This is what you should do:
Do not smoke. Check that gas, electricity and other fuel supplies and all pilot lights are turned off. Go round the house and put out any small fires using mains water if you can. If anyone’s clothing catches fire, lay them on the floor and roll them in a blanket, rug or thick coat.
All at home must go to the fall-out room and stay inside the inner refuge, keeping the radio tuned for Government advice and instructions.
The dangers will be so intense that you may all need to stay inside your inner refuge for at least forty-eight hours. If you need to go to the lavatory, or to replenish food or water supplies, do not stay outside your refuge for a second longer than is necessary. After forty eight hours the danger from fall-out will lessen but you could still be risking your life by exposure to it. The longer you spend in your refuge the better. Listen to your radio.